BCR Dolly Pine 1318 “Dolly” is a flashy red dun mare that stands _____ and weighs_____. She was started at 4 years old by an outside trainer in February of 2022 and is now one of the most reliable ranch horses here at Brush Creek. Dolly’s strongest point is that she loves to cover ground and work, never wanting to quit. She was one of few that were started by the time calving rolled around last year which meant she was thrown into the string and expected to rise to the occasion. Because of this she is hobble-broke, has no issues being hauled, and is very sure-footed. There’s no job on the ranch that we have asked her to do where she doesn’t give 110%. She has been used during calving, branding, rope bulls, weaning, and other day-to-day ranch jobs. Dolly comes from a long line of Old Foundation bloodlines like Poco Bueno and Blackburn. She has a huge heart that is looking to please in any direction you point her in. She is very smart and fast to learn. In the right hands, she could be taken in any direction desired.